Anxiety and depression have been increasing for decades. But the current political, economic and health threats are adding unprecedented stress to our already overwhelmed mental states.
Social anxiety has risen dramatically, limiting our ability to create nourishing connections with each other.
Let’s rediscover how to enjoy interacting and override the inflammatory information that creates anxiety.
Take charge of your emotional and mental experience. Reduce physical and psychological stress to combat anxiety.
Let Dr. Sebi's Hemp-CBD calm anxiety and relax your body, while Dr. Sebi's Banju nourishes your neurology.
What is Anxiety?
In the wild we see animals displaying anxiety. When meerkats poke their heads above ground, they feverishly look around for predators, darting underground at the slightest sound. Deer and other herd animals have similar anxiety-driven responses designed to keep them safe.
Anxiety is a state of heightened mental alertness that looks for danger in the external environment. The more danger we perceive, the more anxious we become. Inflammation is also a state of heightened (inner) alertness and together the threats merge into an increased sense of danger that we perceive as anxiety.
Emotional Perception
When relaxed we have more tolerance for change and uncertainty, so the idea of ‘meeting new people’ is more likely to feel exciting. Under stress, the mind is less tolerant of the unknown, so the same opportunity elicits a fear response and, like startled deer, we are likely to decline the invitation.
The last year has been incredibly stressful for everyone. Changes in mood and behavior indicate we are more stressed out. Massive uncertainty and all manner of global threats have overloaded our ability to respond rationally.
Quite naturally, we feel out of control amid crisis. Social isolation has created mental pressure that is contributing to epidemics of anxiety and mental health decline.
“What occurs is that we have been taken into a world of philosophy, a world that wants to shape everyone around that one pattern, when that is not seen at any time in nature.” - Dr. Sebi
Easing Out of Anxiety
Sitting in one position for an extended period makes you stiff. The same position over weeks or months can lead to posture problems. The body and mind are the same. The mind can get ‘stiff’ and stuck in a mental rut. Check out our list below to discover how to comfortably ‘stretch’ your mind.
1) Cleanse Your Mind: For the last year, we have been told to stay away from each other. But human contact is immensely nourishing. Remind yourself how much you have appreciated loving connections in the past. Whether a hug, touch, or simply a smile. What benefits you?
2) Pragmatic Precaution: Your immune system protects your body and is the biggest defender of your health. Spending time with others who also prioritize their health is mutually beneficial.
3) Gradual Approach: Find ways to slowly ease into connection. You may find your friendship circles have changed or you feel inclined to choose differently about how you spend your time together. Let intuition be your guide and don’t feel rushed.
4) Learn the Language: Video calls and digital gatherings are pseudo-connections. They limit our ability to understand non-verbal communication, such as eye contact, facial cues, and body language. Re-educate the brain about these vital signals by studying body language. Identifying these subconscious cues in yourself and others highlights how almost everybody is nervous in new social situations.
5) Gentle Connection: After periods in isolation, the idea of being around lots of people can feel overwhelming. It’s like going from a peaceful forest into a rock concert; it’s too much sensory data to take in suddenly. Instead of overwhelming your senses, look for small social steps, such as going for a walk with a friend or even walking alone in a public place.
6) Train your mind: We naturally avoid pain and discomfort. Encourage your mind to be slightly outside your social comfort zone. Find ways to be around people and gradually build your ability to tolerate the stretch. Try starting with one-on-one interactions in a mutually familiar setting and build-up as you feel more comfortable.
7) Be Kind to Yourself: Your emotional guidance system is startled by stress. If you chastise yourself, judge yourself harshly, or speak negatively to yourself, it adds more stress. Speak with a kind inner voice, and your limbic, emotional brain is more likely to listen.
8) Define Your Purpose: A sense of purpose guides you through adversity. With elevated global uncertainty, many people feel lost right now. Deciding on a short-term goal, like improving mental health, can actively stave off stress.
9) Visualize Interactions: Imagine the kind of social interactions you want. What kind of people do you want to meet? What experiences do you want to have? Priming the mind for social encounters naturally reduces stress as you play out positive experiences.
10) Calm Inflammation: Anxiety is strongly linked to inflammation. Three different inflammatory markers have been shown to induce anxiety and trigger mental stress. Conversely, decreasing inflammation (such as with Dr. Sebi approved foods) changes perception, helping us to feel excited by life and not afraid of it.
11) Challenge Your Thoughts: Writing down thoughts can reveal insights and absurdities that are hard to spot internally. What do you believing to be true about yourself or others? Is it really true? Are you assuming the worst? Challenge yourself to change your way of thinking and assume the best instead.
12) Meditation and Mindfulness: Focusing your attention in meditation is like mental weight-lifting - it gives you the power to direct your mind. Being mindful of your actions, intentions, and thoughts is another way to stay in conscious control of your perception of the world.
13) Movement Matters: Even slow gentle exercise moves us physically out of stale patterns of behavior. So get up, get outside, get moving and release those toxins! Move into a new way of thinking as you move your body. Change your environment to change your mind.
14) Breathe More Fully: Every breath you take removes acidic carbon dioxide and brings in energizing oxygen. Revitalize your mind and it will naturally feel more relaxed and willing to seek connection in a positive mental state.
15) Boost Your Brain: Banju is food for your mind; it helps you focus and think more rationally. The potassium-rich tonic replenishes your brain and improves mental metabolism. Relieve nervous tension and enhance emotional restoration with this powerful neurological antioxidant.
16) Compassionate Calm: Hemp-CBD attunes your mind with enhanced emotional balance and improved mental performance. It allows you to think more clearly by removing yourself from the stressed mental state.
Dr. Sebi’s Full-Spectrum Hemp-CBD helps reduce shyness, social isolation, and feelings of fear by turning down the excess anxiety. Reduce brain inflammation and trigger relaxation with the calming effects of CBD.
Fortunately, it is possible to shift the landscape of the mind and reduce anxiety. With gentle encouragement, nutritional support, and a strict mental diet, you can undo the impact of brain inflammation and ease social anxiety.
Let’s reconnect!