CBD Science (November 2021) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

CBD Science (November 2021) – Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

People have been enjoying the health-fortifying benefits of cannabinoids for thousands of years. But just 30 years ago, scientists discovered that the human body has its own internal cannabinoid system. Learn the science behind this ancient tradition.

In alignment with Dr. Sebi’s mission of providing the finest natural, alkaline herbs for the health and wellbeing of all people, our Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Products offers rapid relief from physical pain, mental stress and emotional turmoil.

“I don’t care if you’re Chinese, Eskimo, Arab or what.
If you eat something natural, you’re gonna be healed.”
- Dr. Sebi.

The Growing World of Hemp

Therapeutic cannabinoids have exploded into the public consciousness, attracting people seeking natural, safe, remedies. Perhaps like many others you’re intrigued by this incredible plant, but not yet experienced it for yourself?

For many people the subject of medicinal hemp is associated with illegal narcotics. This negative association comes from political agendas rather than the actual characteristics of CBD, or the dramatic health benefits it offers.

The political suppression of hemp resulted in a ban on medical studies into therapeutic cannabinoids, until relatively recently. Ongoing research is starting to win against propaganda and more people are taking notice.

Over 9,000 published scientific papers and hundreds of ongoing studies are exploring the wide range of benefits hemp and cannabinoids offer us. So what is CBD, and what have our modern scientific investigations revealed about it so far?

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

Inside the hemp plant you’ll find more than 60 organic compounds known as cannabinoids. The most famous cannabinoid is THC, the part of the cannabis plant that gets people high when smoked or ingested.

But it is CBD that is turning heads as the main therapeutic part of the plant, that doesn’t get people high, but helps our health harmonize:

Cannabinoids work on the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a biochemical communication system made up of two main parts:

  • Endocannabinoids - which are produced naturally in our body (and cannabinoids which can be consumed by taking CBD.)
  • Cannabinoid Receptors - located throughout most of the body that cannabinoids and endocannabinoids join with.

Since the ECS was only discovered three decades ago, scientists are still trying to understand exactly what it does. Experts describe it as “the most complicated signaling system in the human body” and believe its main function is maintaining homeostasis (the correct ‘balance’ of things like blood pressure, temperature, emotions etc.).

There are two main cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB2 receptors are found throughout the immune system, and play a role in immune function. Our bodies have CB1 receptors in the nervous system, organs, tissue, and the parts of the brain. These play a role in communicating messages to other parts of the body about:

  • Appetite
  • Cognition
  • Coordination
  • Emotion
  • Endocrine function
  • Immune function
  • Memory
  • Movement

Our bodies naturally synthesize endocannabinoids: cannabinoids made inside the body (endo = “inside”). These endocannabinoids bind to the cannabinoid receptors and influence the body’s biological activity in a huge number of ways. They act like biological ‘accelerators’ and ‘brakes’ switching on and off specific functions.

The effect CBD produces depends on where the receptor is found in the body. For example, an endocannabinoid could bind to a CB1 receptor in the brain to signal for the release of dopamine, while a CB2 receptor bound to CBD could communicate to an immune cell that inflammation needs to be reduced.

The chemical structure of CBD means that when you consume it, it fits perfectly into your body’s cannabinoid receptors and mimics their natural stimulation. This gives you the herbal ‘tools’ to restore your own homeostatic balance - this is why CBD has so many huge health benefits, it re-balances the whole body.

The ECS, CBD & Stress

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem (affecting 18% of the adult population in the US). Cannabinoids bind to receptors in the amygdala (brain’s fear center) and shut down the exaggerated stress response, resulting in much less anxiety.

CBD’s anxiety and stress busting action explains its immense rise in popularity. We are not meant to feel so stressed all the time, and CBD helps recalibrate the brain’s stress ‘settings’.

When the ECS is operating effectively our body is closer to homeostasis, in balance. Meanwhile low endocannabinoid levels in the body are associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and sleep disorders.

Nourishing Your Whole Body

Cannabinoids, from hemp, and those produced internally, act like ‘communication nutrition’ within the body. If natural cannabinoid levels are depleted (due to toxins and inflammation) it’s like trying to type on a keyboard missing the middle row of letters. Keeping your body in balance is critical and cannabinoids from hemp naturally support this system.

Poor health is made much worse by stress and insomnia, two symptoms of modern life that CBD helps to ease. CBD has such a wide systemic effect it has been shown to improve hundreds of different conditions from anxiety and depression to multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

CBD protects the brain and nervous system from inflammation and helps restore the balance of the entire body, while elevating mood and mental clarity. What more could you want from a humble herb?

Dr. Sebi’s Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Products reduce pain and inflammation while boosting focus, creativity, and feelings of peace and wellbeing. Have you experienced CBD for yourself yet?

This month is the anniversary of Dr. Sebi’s birthday and we’re offering a celebratory 30% off of all Hemp-CBD products so you can have the opportunity to try this powerful herb for yourself. Discover why Dr. Sebi loved hemp, and why so many are turning to the therapeutic power of CBD.

“For a long time I was in pain, I hurt myself at work and could not recover from the pain. The first day taken immediate results was able to overcome the pain easily.” - Standrick Whyeem Lloyd.

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