Living Longer with Optimism (February 2022) - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

Living Longer with Optimism (February 2022) - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

Optimists live longer, healthier lives, are more successful, and more resilient. Pessimists are more prone to disease and losing their car keys.

Fortunately, you can shift habitual expectations and discover more to enjoy in life. Optimism supports a healthier mind and body with a better quality of life. Negativity is not a natural state of mind.

“Truth is that which supports life.” - Dr. Sebi.

Nourish your inner optimist in five different ways with hemp-CBD:

  • Increases lifespan of the ‘bliss molecule’ anandamide; so good feelings last longer.
  • Enhances the potential of vanilloid receptors; making negative feelings hurt less.
  • Improves receptivity to serotonin; improving the ability to regulate your mood.
  • Stimulates cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body; inducing relaxation.
  • Intensifies signals from GABA receptors; helping you feel calm more easily.
Inflamed brains are stressed, so they struggle to think optimistically. Let hemp help you feel more positive, with 15% off all CBD products until the end of this month.

Optimists vs. Pessimists

Dr. Sebi was an eternal optimist, emanating positivity that still resonates with us today. Through observing organic life, Dr. Sebi saw the goodness inherent in nature. He knew that consuming alkaline, bio-electric foods was optimum for health and longevity. In the same way, filling our mental diet with regular doses of optimism helps us thrive on all levels.

Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or somewhere in between? Is the glass half-full or half-empty? For the optimist, the glass is half full, and they know ‘there’s still plenty of water to enjoy.’ They focus on the positive things and expect more good things to happen; their future outlook is full of hope.

On the other side of the life-outlook spectrum are pessimists - people who see the glass as half empty and think, ‘pretty soon there’s gonna be no water left.’ Pessimists focus more on the negatives, anticipate bad things, and look to the future with despair (the absence of hope).

If bad things happen, the optimist doesn’t blame themselves but takes responsibility for changing the circumstances. Conversely, pessimists blame themselves, but, the expectation of negativity stops them from taking any action to change the circumstances.

Life is full of ups and downs - ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things will keep on happening - so what difference does outlook make? Well, a lot of research has been done on the health disparity between optimists and pessimists, and the startling results may inspire your own positive change in perspective.

The Science of Optimism

Ongoing research shows that optimists have multiple benefits to their physical and mental health:

Longer Life Span - researchers at Boston University found that optimists live longer. Female optimists had a 50% higher chance of living to 85 than female pessimists, while male optimists had a 70% higher chance of living to 85 or older.

Better Coping Skills - being optimistic doesn’t mean you ignore the bad stuff; it means you approach the negative with a positive outlook. This outlook reduces the anxiety, depression, and stress caused by unforeseen events. A positive outlook also emphasizes the silver linings and allows you to cope better with challenges.

Better Heart Health - a study of more than 200,000 people found optimists have a 35% less risk of cardiovascular disease.

Lower Blood Pressure - a study of more than 2,500 people aged 65+ demonstrated that optimism reduced blood pressure and the most positive individuals had the best pressures.

Optimism is also associated with:

  • Stronger immune systems.
  • Reduced risk of death (from all causes).
  • Lower levels of stress hormones.
  • Better overall health and quality of life.
  • Faster recovery from illness, injury, or surgery.
  • Lower blood sugar levels and improved digestion.
  • Successful relationships and good communication skills.

The impact of optimism extends to every aspect of your personal, professional, romantic, and social life. Optimism improves how you see yourself and how others see you. Learning to be optimistic could be one of the best things you do for your health.

The Qualities of an Optimist

So what are optimists doing differently?

  • Optimists Are Grateful - the more optimists appreciate things in life, including the trials and tribulations, the more they find deeper layers of things to be grateful for.
  • Optimists Seek Motivation From Within – optimists make the most out of what they have while cheerfully working towards the things they want. Optimists live a timeless truth: the rewards we reap result from the hard work we put in (mentally and physically).
  • Optimists Stay Connected - the optimist stays engaged with other positive people. They listen, share something of themselves, and kindle collective mutual hope - the kind that’s essential in these times.
  • Optimists Control Important Outcomes - the true optimist doesn’t passively wait for good things to happen. They take responsibility for the events in their life by focusing on solving problems and looking for the best in every situation.
  • Optimists Trust Themselves - optimists don’t let the opinions of others stop their enjoyment. Haters gonna hate. That’s life. Fortunately, the negativity of others can be transformed into a renewable source of fuel for the resourceful optimist.
  • Optimists Manage Emotions - to be content with yourself is the greatest gift imaginable. The optimist looks on the bright side, even when going through challenges, especially when making mistakes. Optimists are compassionate to themselves.
  • Optimists Forgive Frequently - the optimist can choose to forgive anyone that harmed them, while also forgiving themselves. We are victims of victims. However, through forgiveness, the optimist is set free from the excess baggage of victimhood to travel ‘lighter’ through life.

By practicing these seven habits, you can start to shift your own perspective. Changes accumulate, and the more you strive for reasons to be grateful, positive, and optimistic, the more reasons you will find to feel it.

Feeding Positivity

Optimists express gratitude, are self-motivated, stay socially connected, take responsibility, ignore haters, look for the good, practice forgiveness, and make the bright side of life, the right side of life.

Epidemics of depression and anxiety are not natural. Our brains have become the focus of toxic negativity and poor nutrition. Make positive states of mind easier to access by accepting a helping hand from hemp with a 15% discount until the end of the month! CBD unlocks your mental freedom so you can think, feel and enjoy life more fully.

Are you ready to cultivate a positive state of mind?
What weeds of negativity will you uproot?
What seeds of positivity could you plant?
What mental garden are you growing?
What thoughts are you harvesting?
What ideas will you dine on today?